Ragnarok – The Videos

Eastern Angles production of Ragnarok is looming large. It opens at the Hush House on the 11 September and runs until the 28 September. You can get a flavour of the show from these short videos.

First up there’s the Ragnarok trailer


Ragnarok in rehearsal

Then there’s a suite of videos from our extraordinary creative team who are creating the doom of the Gods… . here’s our designer Sam Wyer, the man responsible for the look of our Gods, our Giants and the end of the world itself.

And here’s composer Ben Hudson whose soundtrack features throughout these videos:-

Thats another thing which makes this project so exciting working in this huge space which doesn’t really have an acoustic…we’re creating an immersive world in there for our audience, creating something which resonates with people, which resonates with today

Here is writer Charles Way whose words are conjuring up this magical, mythical world – and who is responsible for some of the most impossible stage directions ever.

So when you come through into the Hush House its as if you’ve crossed from the human world into Asgaard, and into this other world

These myths are explosive in their emotional range..the myth of Ragnarok allows us to look at the possibility of the end of the world…and thats not a small thing. Theres a lot of fun in it, theres an element of folk tales within this big epic drama. Ultimately its an other wordly experience and I hope that when you leave the Hush House you would feel that you had been to an other universe, a cathartic experience where you had confronted the worse and come out!.

If you are wondering why Eastern Angles are telling the stories of the Norse Gods – here Ivan Cutting (artistic director) pops up to explain…over a pint!

For more information about the show and to book tickets visit the eastern angles web site here.

One thought on “Ragnarok – The Videos

  1. Pingback: Ragnarok – the previews | Matthew Linley's Blog

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